Thursday, April 20, 2006

Read Between The Lines - Leave Me Alone!

I have a persistent visitor which I would like to get rid of. He wants me to sign some documents, which I have no intention to do so - because he is a rather suspicious and questionable character. He repeatedly returns to our house, or calls to request to go to my house and I am getting tired of thinking of reasons to tell him off! I have told him that I'd just sign the documents in the office, at the back of my mind, so that I could have other people's support whether I should or shouldn't sign the papers, but he seems to continually find reasons why such a scenario is implausible! Hay...


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Psychoasianlogist said...

just be careful with those kinda people, they might be plotting something bad against you

why else would they be so persistent and going to your place

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

its not really about plotting against me. He needs something - my signature.. and I've been warned by most of our superiors not to give it to him that easily since he proved not to be a credible character in previous transactions.

I worry that he is just so persistent that my patience is wearing off..

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Psychoasianlogist said...

ah... so he most probably is plotting something evil then, haha

akala niya siguro since you're a kid na he can fool u into gettin ur signature, hehehe

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

to analyticman:

restraining order - not so easy to attain under such petty grounds

vicious dog -hmmmm... makes me think:D

thanks:) hehe

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

To jourdy:

Well, now that you understand the full picture of the situation.. I guess, it's not plotting something evil, it's more of being selfish. He needs our signatures to get something for himself without giving us our deserved credit! matters still have to be discussed...


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