Sunday, April 16, 2006

Three Day Recap

A tiring Holy Week indeed.

Bisita Inglesia.
Our parents took us to 14 different churches to symbolize the 14 stations of the cross. My siblings and I went to 12 new churches this year. Dad makes it a point to map out new churches for us to visit every year to make the trip more exciting.

It is a belief that if one goes to a church for the first time, they are entitled to 3 wishes. My siblings confessed how were they running out of wishes as we came to our 13th stop.

Good Friday Liturgy
The church choir I am involved in participated during the Good Friday Liturgy mass. I had to learn quite a variety of songs for the mass and it was fun.

It was awfully sweet of Raymond to stop by and attend the mass, although he did not inform me that he was there. Thanks thanks thanks...

Easter Vigil
The church decided to celebrate the Easter Vigil a bit earlier this year, thus we had it at 7.30 pm.

The choir began practicing at 9 in the morning. We had a short break from 12 noon, and resumed by 1 pm. It was a rigorous day, we had been singing and exhausting our voices. By the time our performance came, thank God we still had energy to pull it off brilliantly.

Although we had exerted much effort, the other choirs seem to be far more fantastic than we were. I guess, it's because they had professional training and we don't, but despite that fallback, the choir is like one big group of friends and that's all that matters


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