Monday, January 30, 2006

Girlish Fantasies

Finally finished reading Wuthering Heights, after a week of delay!

The love triangle between the parents is far more exciting compared to that of their children!


I am now beginning to read Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, after watching the movie (Kate Winslet version) in our Literature class. It was witty and beautiful. A struggle between sense and sensibility or what I call, rational and impulsiveness.

I dare venture into my concept of duality once again, for as in the teachings of Buddhism, balance is always deemed to be most promising. And yet, as my mother argues, having gray areas in our percept of what is good true and noble does make one to be ultra-subjective to the point that rules and laws (esp that of God) are always flexible enough to be discarded primarily out of our subjectivism.

Returning to the movie, the men are brilliant, that I daresay I'd fall for them any given day. (the prince in The Prince and Me could be a modern day example) Perhaps its the accent, or the poetic command of the language, or their gallant and well mannered demeanor. But most importantly, "Snape" has never been so desirable.


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