Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Unneccesarily Complicated

God! Our university wants us to change our My.Lasalle passwords to avoid it getting hacked. Problem is, they placed too many guidelines that I feel I won't even remember my password after I'd input it. I can't seem to be able to think of any satisfactory password - that would give me a good memory recall.

Here are the rules:

Password should comply with the following rules:
- It should be at least eight (8) characters long. It is best for it to be 15 characters long. This will be the new minimum password length in the future.

- It should not contain a part (at least 3 chars in sequence) of the user name and full name.

- It should contain upper-case and lower-case letters.

- It must have at least one numeric and special character. Special characters are symbols found on the keyboard which are not defined as letters or numerals . These are ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /

- It must not contain spaces.

Damn, how they complicate my life!! Help me think of a good password!


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