Thursday, March 09, 2006

Vote For Me

It's campaign week, the two organizations in our campus are showcasing their cream of crop choices for the next batch of leaders in our student council. Some are even my blockmates back in 1st year. People who snob me before, smile and talk to me, act real friendly. People who I am aware to be calling me names at my back are now approaching me with enthusiastic waves and are trying to stick a bunch of bullshit up my ass! Hypocrites!.. That's what politics is all about, hypocrisy. The typical average leech who sticks to you when they need something.

The two parties are literally everywhere spreading their paraphernalias with their photoshop faces and exaggerated qualifications. Both using intense information dissemination strategies to gain our attentions. Rallies. Tarpaulins with thier proud little snotty faces printed calling forth "change" and "improvements", while similar candidates came before them and have failed to facilitate the student actions they used in their platforms. Rehearsed presentations in every class, each candidate mechanically moving and talking pretty little words.. but what do they mean???

When I was a freshman, I'd care, but now, it feels entirely a waste of my time. They keep introducing student-involvement and my question.. What student involvement, if we don't actually care the fuck you are and the fuck you do? Don't focus on superficial outside school activities, help the needy foundations, etc., which are sure-fire prep-up-your-resume achievements.. if you really want student involvement, focus first on how to get us to care for your ideals! After that your socio-civic endeavors would mean more to the university community as it does to you.


I do have friends involved in these campaigns. It's not that I call all of them blood sucking parasites, but sometimes we have to get real - so far I've heard practically idealistic rantings which I doubt would be able to find any materialization or consideration (from either the top offices or from simply the student body) at the least.


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