Saturday, July 15, 2006


This morning, I managed to watch Disney's High School Musical. It's one of the biggest fads at the moment, with everybody I know humming or singing to the melody of the songs. It's irritating actually to a point that I wanted to shut the television and throw the remote away. I guess I'm no fan of inspirational love-success stories - due to my own personal frustrations I guess. How the heck could people watch those stuff and not wanna kill whoever thought of showing that in public?

I don't know why it seems so difficult for me to believe that there is a possibility to find someone who is capable of sharing your passions and thoughts - exist in your own little world apart from all the definitions of reality (without really trying, because it's his own little world too). It just doesn't happen - or just to me. I don't think I could ever find someone who I can belt a duet with, critisize the world, share philosophies at the same time have the passion to photo-videoshoot or sketch with me.

These ideal works of fiction (Cinderella Story and High School Musical to name a few) are created to make people feel good about themselves, but heck.. it doesn't make me feel any better. When did the star player with the most gorgeous smile actually show that he does know how to read and write poetry, in fact, think? or is actually willing to sing songs with some girl? Maybe I'm just never going to be "the girl", I'm just a girl - one of those faceless fools in the bum club which nobody really cares to notice nor be associated with.

Enough ranting...


At 10:03 PM, Blogger Tanis said...

Hang in there, you'll get to be the "girl"......

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Katrina said...

:D hehe thanks tanis.. hopefully...


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