Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Got Milk?

Going to Canada, mom left me to care for her kefir. It is a "plant" that looks like small florets and is said to have anti-cancer agents. You just soak them in milk, which in 24 hours, would bunch up together to form some kind of yogurt which my aunts call "home-made yakult". Draining the yogurt, you wash the kefir and refill it with a new batch of milk.

The yogurt could be drank to improve digestion. It has other health benefits, but I'm just too lazy to know. At the same time, it could be applied on the face to reduce skin problems. Having a whole bottle of it though, I don't know how to dispose of all the milk.

Just yesterday, I brought my brother for a general check-up and guess what? The doctor recommended a daily dose of kefir milk to aid in clearing up his digestive tract. Bwahahaa.. victim!


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Katrina said...


really? Oh my...

That's okay, jenn.. :)



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