Thursday, July 27, 2006

Health Issues

Who knew?

After spending four days at home due to the bad weather. When classes have now resumed, I realize that I caught a fever. Now, I'm anxious to get back home as soon as possible. Dizzy. Teeth chattering. Argh..

Isn't it ironic that in times of good health, physical pains are but at the back of our heads - memories which are rarely called for. In fact, as much as we'd like to, we cannot fully summon it's full intense wrath. On the other hand, when it finally strikes, we realize how much we value our health and how important it is to eat healthy and keep out of the darn rain!

C'est la vie.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Tanis said...

Try to get some rest. HOpe you get to feeling better soon.....

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

Aww.. thanks Tanis lots:)
m feeling somewhat beter already.. throat still hurts though..



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