Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rigmaroles of Rain

One Sunday, I had to complete an errand which would mean I have to leave the house to purchase stuff. There was a light rain shower outside. So I went out with one of our maids. She was holding the umbrella. We were walking when I realized that I was moving out of the slow paced umbrella walk in order to complete the task and be done with it. These are some of my thoughts.

Given: A task (errand - given destination is a short distance away) and an obstacle (the rain), people respond differently.

Some would reassess and decide the errand is not worth doing after all. (The sloth type.. oohh di lalie..)

Some would wait for the rain to stop before they do the task. (At this point, there is little control over time because rainshowers may turn out to be wild rainpours).

Some would ask to be drove/ drive a car to complete the errand. (Convenient, given that car is available. But consider that such conveniences are not always available, at times even practical, for one to complete a task)

Some would get an umbrella, and walk. (Practical and easy, but may be stressful to be carrying an umbrella should there be strong winds).

Some would share umbrellas with other people. (Practical, but may take a lot of time waiting for others trying to shake the unpleasant rain water out of their branded footwears, etc)

Some would just walk under the rain. (Risky but quick)

My point? So many people, dealing with one situation in so many different ways. Some are practical, others are not so practical, while others still just plain lazy. Others get the job done quick and painless, others get it done slow and steady and others still don't get it done at all. Who is to say which of their choices is best? Best is such a relative criteria unless it has subcriterias determining what it is supposed to represent - under particular circumstances, personal restraints and preferences - perhaps just staying at home may turn out to be not so bad.

Complicated world.


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