A Week Has Passed...
It's been over a week since Milenyo has devastated the capital urban dimension of the Philippines. The super-typhoon, as they call it, has deprived many the many modern luxuries as electricity and free flowing water. Even the telephone line, for some have been temporarily cut off. Many have been victims to the said typhoon, not to mention the many who have been injured, left homeless and even killed. They say that there had not been a calamity as destructive as this for over a decade (then, perhaps it's about time?).
In order to illustrate the strength of the said typhoon (although not at it's very peak), I caught a short video with my digicam in our garden. It doesn't have sounds and looks very amateur, but I still believe it is something worth remembering.
Here are some of the pix I got when it was raining.. Nothing special though. Didn't even look like it was raining. :(

To avoid boredom, I practically spent the whole day at home with my siblings, curiously reviving my childhood passion of coloring books. Fortunately though, unlike so many of my other peers, our power returned by nightfall and thus we were not among the ones who spent days in hot, sweaty, unlighted rooms. I guess, this is the time we have to give a real plaque of appreciation for both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison in our minds for their wonderful contribution to technology and advancement.
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