Hear Me Roar!...
I got this quiz from Paulo's blog.
Ultra lafftrip!

Take the What Fantasy Archetype Are You? Quiz by Vara Sundaisy
Beware for I am the shadow villain..
This is a compilation of contemplated thoughts that have found my attention and thus was given tongue, in the traffic of ideas that flood my petty mortal head. These are reflections that strive to understand the most of my human existence as well as to shed light for my dear audience about a fraction of my self. Comments and criticisms are very much appreciated.
I got this quiz from Paulo's blog.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of my Genders class, we were required to make a scrapbook regarding our gendered selves. Trying to unearth my gendered self and mirror it in a hard copy scrapbook, after much consideration was deemed too costly, therefore I decided to convert my blog into the vehicle of which holds my project. I have learned much in the course of formulating and creating this endeavor - from html encoding to photoshopping to scrapblogging to head knocking debating. In the course of this one and a half week, I managed to complete my project with the help of people I knew from the dinosaur era and from people I recently met.
My 260th blog entry....
At last, another book managed to find itself in my collection of reads. Yesterday, great luck was shining on me as a friend completed reading Marquez' Chronicles of a Death Foretold and decided to throw the book aside for it has already served its purpose for his Litera2 class. It was such a stroke of good fortune that I was at the right place at the right time to actually get to witness his distaste for the Marquez’ masterpiece and thus, got to bargain with him for the said book. I've been eyeing "Chronicles" for some time now, but was too cheapskate to actually buy it for its horrendous price in NBS. A mere 120 pages for 450pHp. Thus, when he agreed to sell it to me for just 300, I couldn't help but agree.
Every Sunday, our family would go out for lunch - as my grandmother would justify, "So our taste buds could get a vacation from the usual foods in the house". With that in mind, I suggested that for this Sunday, I will be cooking for the family - a real new experiment, that I am now freaking out what I am going to do.
"To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Finally, I completed editing my FOTOCAM pix and am currently trying to upload em in my deviant art account. Ugh..
Our professor asked us to hand a CD to the department secretary so she could burn us a copy of the computer software needed to complete our project-assignment. So, like a good student, I handed in my CD a bit earlier than most.