Jourdy posted this in his blog and had included my name in the last question. Since I know he regularly reads my pathetic rantings... I'm answering his survey..
Seven Things that Scare You- having a big cockroach crawl up my pants
- imagining myself to be buried alive
- imagining myself being tortured to death
(phantasmagoria!)- becoming a failure
- being a vegetable
- getting indecently intimate
- not being able to please everybody
Seven things you like the most:- to be appreciated
- to be able to be recognized
- to be able to travel around the world
- to be loved for who I am and for what I represent
- to be respected for thoughts and deeds
- good healthy mind inspiring conversations
- to have made my life worth living and remembering
Seven important things in your bedroom:(ideally....)- lots and lots of books
- good comfy pillows
- study table
- a telephone
- a door that leads to my own personal bathroom
- a radio
- a computer with printer, modem and the works
Seven random facts about you:
- I tried for many auditions, but it seems nobody could see my talent.
- I usually laugh unceasingly when I hurt myself.
- I totally fell in love with Elvis Presley's voice.
- I cannot live without music.
- I have an overactive imagination.
- I have this big wound on my left shoulder since my bro cut it when I was six.
- I prefer tea over coffee.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
- to have loved with all my heart (naks).
- to have actually finished writing one darn story.
- to have used a gun against something or better yet, someone.
- to have seen the creation of water fueled cars.
- to have watched a sunrise and a sunset with a significant other.
- to have save up enough assets to distribute in my last will and testament!
- to have had sex! hahaha
Seven things you can do: - I can think of green thoughts even before anybody else could think of them
- I can pull my thumb backwards to the back of my hand
- I can completely make a pig of myself in public if I want to
- I can sing really high notes. Soprano!
- I can appreciate really pretty girls and their bodies.. (um...)
- I can read classical novels without falling into boredom
- I can listen to classical music without falling asleep.
Seven things you can't do:
- I can't dance that well.
- I can't wrestle a crocodile
- I can't speak French
- I can't see ghosts
- I can't say sorry when I am forced to
- I can't understand why women have to buy printed undergarments when its all gonna get hidden under their clothes anyway
- I can't go back through time
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
- sincerity
- tasteful humor
- creativity and innovativeness
- perseverance
- "perceivable interest" (quoted from
- rational and truth-seeking
- aggressive
Seven things you say the most/ are known for saying:
- ok fine whatever
- we'll see
- my ass!
- friggs!
- pucha
- putang ina
- pusang kinalbo!
Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
- Angelina Jolie
- Ethan Hawke
- Johnny Depp
- Sebastian of Il Divo
- Ming Tsai
- Edison Chen
- Gong Li
Seven people you want to torture see take this quiz:
- Ben
- Marie
- Charley
- Christel
- Marjorie
- JM (wink wink)
- Charley's sis (??) - I'm outta people na!